
Tag - fluffy

Yorkshire terrier

Yorkshire Terrier Facts You Didnt Know

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Known for its silky coat and angelic look, the Yorkshire terrier might be small in size, but has a big personality.

All You Need is Love and a Dog

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A dog is the only thing on Earth that loves you more than you love yourself!

What Dog Breed Is Your Match?

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What dog breed is your match? Our dogs have a special place in our hearts and for every owner the reasons are different.

cat in shape

Ideas To Keep Your Cat In Shape

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When it comes to keeping your cat in shape, the task might seem a little more complicated than when it comes to dogs.

Why Your Cat Makes You Happier

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There’s a reasons why cats make us so happy. It is because cats are very unique in their personalities!

The Most Adorable Extension: My Baby Animals

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A boost of cuteness, fresh fun facts, and a great mood are guaranteed with MyBabyAnimals new tab Chrome extension available this summer!

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